Everywhere in Exile

Politics and life in general from a Canadian, gay, Jewish, left-wing, vegetarian, defence-hawk perspective.

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The summary above tells you something about who I am. I should be up-front and let you know that I'm a very bad homosexual. I know nothing of fashion or brand names and I get $10 haircuts. I have a hairy back and loathe musical theatre. But I really, really enjoy sex with men.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Changing times

Hello, everyone.

As some of you already know, a local weekly has decided to give me a voice in their pages every other week, for actual pay. I am shamelessly ripping off this blog for material, so I have to delete most of the posts here to avoid publishing for free online that which they have purchased to display in print.

I will probably continue to post here to test-run some ideas, but I wanted to let you know what's happening.

Thanks for all the comments and the encouragement - I still need both.



Blogger worker Aunt said...

Honey, I'm collecting your articles. Someday when you're famous, I can show off my "Collected Works of Exile" to the throngs of adoring fans. What's even more important, the Redneck read your most recent column today, and it made him laugh.

Thu Dec 21, 11:27:00 PM MST  

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