Everywhere in Exile

Politics and life in general from a Canadian, gay, Jewish, left-wing, vegetarian, defence-hawk perspective.

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The summary above tells you something about who I am. I should be up-front and let you know that I'm a very bad homosexual. I know nothing of fashion or brand names and I get $10 haircuts. I have a hairy back and loathe musical theatre. But I really, really enjoy sex with men.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Changing times

Hello, everyone.

As some of you already know, a local weekly has decided to give me a voice in their pages every other week, for actual pay. I am shamelessly ripping off this blog for material, so I have to delete most of the posts here to avoid publishing for free online that which they have purchased to display in print.

I will probably continue to post here to test-run some ideas, but I wanted to let you know what's happening.

Thanks for all the comments and the encouragement - I still need both.
